get(md5('ac_'.$acip.systemHash())); if ($getUrl) { $new_url = str_replace("[[subid]]", "p202", $getUrl); //c1 sring replace for cached redirect if(isset($_GET['c1']) && $_GET['c1'] != ''){ $new_url = str_replace("[[c1]]", $_GET['c1'], $new_url); } else { $new_url = str_replace("[[c1]]", "p202c1", $new_url); } //c2 sring replace for cached redirect if(isset($_GET['c2']) && $_GET['c2'] != ''){ $new_url = str_replace("[[c2]]", $_GET['c2'], $new_url); } else { $new_url = str_replace("[[c2]]", "p202c2", $new_url); } //c3 sring replace for cached redirect if(isset($_GET['c3']) && $_GET['c3'] != ''){ $new_url = str_replace("[[c3]]", $_GET['c3'], $new_url); } else { $new_url = str_replace("[[c3]]", "p202c3", $new_url); } //c4 sring replace for cached redirect if(isset($_GET['c4']) && $_GET['c4'] != ''){ $new_url = str_replace("[[c4]]", $_GET['c4'], $new_url); } else { $new_url = str_replace("[[c4]]", "p202c4", $new_url); } header('location: '. $new_url); die(); } } die("

Error establishing a database connection - please contact the webhost

"); } /* OK FIRST IF THERE IS NO PUBLIC CLICK_ID, JUST REDIRECT TO THE NORMAL CAMPAIGN */ if (!$_GET['pci']) { $mysql['aff_campaign_id_public'] = $db->real_escape_string($acip); $aff_campaign_sql = "SELECT aff_campaign_rotate, aff_campaign_url, aff_campaign_url_2, aff_campaign_url_3, aff_campaign_url_4, aff_campaign_url_5, aff_campaign_name, aff_campaign_cloaking FROM 202_aff_campaigns WHERE aff_campaign_id_public='".$mysql['aff_campaign_id_public']."'"; $aff_campaign_row = memcache_mysql_fetch_assoc($db, $aff_campaign_sql); if (empty($aff_campaign_row['aff_campaign_url'])) { die(); } //if there is no aff_url to redirect to DIEEEEEE!!!!!!! EEEEEE!!! $redirect_site_url = rotateTrackerUrl($db, $aff_campaign_row); //$redirect_site_url = $redirect_site_url . $click_id; $redirect_site_url = replaceTrackerPlaceholders($db, $redirect_site_url,$click_id); //ok if there is a url that exists, if redirect php style, or if its cloaked, redirect meta refresh style. if ($aff_campaign_row['aff_campaign_cloaking'] == 0) { //cloaking OFF, so do a php header redirect header('location: '.$redirect_site_url); } else { //cloaking ON, so do a meta REFRESH $html['aff_campaign_name'] = $aff_campaign_row['aff_campaign_name']; ?> <? echo $html['aff_campaign_name']; ?>
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real_escape_string($_GET['acip']); $mysql['click_id_public'] = $db->real_escape_string($_GET['pci']); $info_sql = " SELECT 2c.click_id, 2c.user_id, click_filtered, landing_page_id, click_cloaking, click_cloaking_site_url_id, click_redirect_site_url_id, 2ac.aff_campaign_id, aff_campaign_rotate, aff_campaign_url, aff_campaign_url_2, aff_campaign_url_3, aff_campaign_url_4, aff_campaign_url_5, aff_campaign_name, aff_campaign_cloaking, aff_campaign_payout FROM 202_aff_campaigns AS 2ac, 202_clicks_record AS 2cr LEFT JOIN 202_clicks AS 2c ON (2c.click_id = 2cr.click_id) LEFT JOIN 202_clicks_site AS 2cs ON (2cs.click_id = 2cr.click_id) WHERE 2ac.aff_campaign_id_public='".$mysql['aff_campaign_id_public']."' AND 2cr.click_id_public='".$mysql['click_id_public']."' "; $info_row = memcache_mysql_fetch_assoc($db, $info_sql); if ($memcacheWorking) { $url = $tracker_row['aff_campaign_url']."&subid=p202"; $tid = $acip; $getKey = $memcache->get(md5('ac_'.$tid.systemHash())); if($getKey === false){ $setUrl = $memcache->set(md5('ac_'.$tid.systemHash()), $url, false, 0); } } $click_id = $info_row['click_id']; $mysql['click_id'] = $db->real_escape_string($click_id); $mysql['aff_campaign_id'] = $db->real_escape_string($info_row['aff_campaign_id']); $mysql['click_payout'] = $db->real_escape_string($info_row['aff_campaign_payout']); $update_sql = " UPDATE 202_clicks AS 2c LEFT JOIN 202_clicks_spy AS 2cs ON (2c.click_id = 2cs.click_id) SET 2c.aff_campaign_id='".$mysql['aff_campaign_id']."', 2cs.aff_campaign_id='".$mysql['aff_campaign_id']."', 2c.click_payout='".$mysql['click_payout']."', 2cs.click_payout='".$mysql['click_payout']."' WHERE 2c.click_id='".$mysql['click_id']."' "; //this function delays the sql, because UPDATING is very very slow delay_sql($db, $update_sql); $mysql['click_out'] = 1; if (($info_row['click_cloaking'] == 1) or //if tracker has overrided cloaking on (($info_row['click_cloaking'] == -1) and ($info_row['aff_campaign_cloaking'] == 1)) or ((!isset($info_row['click_cloaking'])) and ($info_row['aff_campaign_cloaking'] == 1)) //if no tracker but but by default campaign has cloaking on ) { $cloaking_on = true; $mysql['click_cloaking'] = 1; //if cloaking is on, add in a click_id_public, because we will be forwarding them to a cloaked /cl/xxxx link } else { $mysql['click_cloaking'] = 0; } $update_sql = " UPDATE 202_clicks_record SET click_out='".$mysql['click_out']."', click_cloaking='".$mysql['click_cloaking']."' WHERE click_id='".$mysql['click_id']."' "; delay_sql($db, $update_sql); $outbound_site_url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $click_outbound_site_url_id = INDEXES::get_site_url_id($db, $outbound_site_url); $mysql['click_outbound_site_url_id'] = $db->real_escape_string($click_outbound_site_url_id); if ($cloaking_on == true) { $cloaking_site_url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } $redirect_site_url = rotateTrackerUrl($db, $info_row); $redirect_site_url = replaceTrackerPlaceholders($db, $redirect_site_url,$click_id); $click_redirect_site_url_id = INDEXES::get_site_url_id($db, $redirect_site_url); $mysql['click_redirect_site_url_id'] = $db->real_escape_string($click_redirect_site_url_id); $update_sql = " UPDATE 202_clicks_site SET click_outbound_site_url_id='".$mysql['click_outbound_site_url_id']."', click_redirect_site_url_id='".$mysql['click_redirect_site_url_id']."' WHERE click_id='".$mysql['click_id']."' "; delay_sql($db, $update_sql); //alright now the updates, //WE WANT TO DELAY THESES UPDATES, in a MYSQL DATBASES? Or else the UPDATES lag the server, the UPDATES have to wait until it locks to update the server //so what happens is if there not delayed, if someone is pulling MASSIVE queries on the t202 website, it'll wait till they load before our update runs, //and that means if this update wasn't delayed it'd wait untill their queries were done on the site before moving forward. Massive slowness, so we update delays theses in cronjobs a at a lter time. //ADD TO CLICK SUMMARY TABLE? //update the click summary table if this is a 'real click' #if ($info_row['click_filtered'] == 0) { $mysql['landing_page_id'] = $db->real_escape_string($info_row['landing_page_id']); $mysql['user_id'] = $db->real_escape_string($info_row['user_id']); //set timezone correctly $user_sql = "SELECT user_timezone FROM 202_users WHERE user_id='".$mysql['user_id']."'"; $user_row = memcache_mysql_fetch_assoc($db, $user_sql); AUTH::set_timezone($user_row['user_timezone']); $now = time(); $today_day = date('j', time()); $today_month = date('n', time()); $today_year = date('Y', time()); //the click_time is recorded in the middle of the day $click_time = mktime(12,0,0,$today_month,$today_day,$today_year); $mysql['click_time'] = $db->real_escape_string($click_time); //check to make sure this click_summary doesn't already exist $check_sql = "SELECT * FROM 202_summary_overview WHERE user_id='".$mysql['user_id']."' AND landing_page_id='".$mysql['landing_page_id']."' AND aff_campaign_id='".$mysql['aff_campaign_id']."' AND click_time='".$mysql['click_time']."'"; $check_result = $db->query($check_sql) or record_mysql_error($check_sql); $check_count = $check_result->num_rows; //if this click summary hasn't been recorded do this now if ($check_count == 0 ) { $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO 202_summary_overview SET user_id='".$mysql['user_id']."', landing_page_id='".$mysql['landing_page_id']."', aff_campaign_id='".$mysql['aff_campaign_id']."', click_time='".$mysql['click_time']."'"; $insert_result = $db->query($insert_sql); } #} //set the cookie setClickIdCookie($mysql['click_id'],$mysql['aff_campaign_id']); //NOW LETS REDIRECT if ($cloaking_on == true) { //if cloaking is turned on, meta refresh out ?> <? echo $html['aff_campaign_name']; ?>
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